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Everything posted by GregOug

  1. Well I bought the Yamashita ones and can highly recommend them. They sit in the tackle box very well and don’t seem to attack any of the other lures. As for whether they fish well, you would have to ask someone who actually gets out fishing.
  2. Sounds fantastic! And a new Bub is always an exciting time. Best time of your life.
  3. GregOug

    Nrl 2020

    They’ll come good
  4. Good luck with the surgery and have a speedy recovery
  5. GregOug

    Nrl 2020

    I agree. Scrap the stupid rule now.
  6. Thanks ellicat. Will keep an eye on the weather reports.
  7. Thanks mate but the weather tomorrow doesn’t look very enticing at all. We’ll get out there eventually.
  8. Thanks ellicat but I didn’t get any takers as deckie so didn’t go
  9. Okay. Sunday is looking good. Intending to go out with one of my sons. Deckie spots available. Would be good if someone has experience reversing a trailer. Ellicat has first dibs since he has already invited me out in the past, although he may be wanting to take his own boat out.
  10. Okay. Thanks guys. Just a bit misleading when it says Brisbane at the top.
  11. The wind looks okay but look at the wave heights. They don’t get below a metre and a half on either day. Sigh.
  12. Hi Angus, If you exceed the limits specified on the compliance plate you run a high risk of your insurance company refusing to pay a claim in the event of an accident. Also, the limits are specified by the boat manufacturer so my advice would be to leave it as is.
  13. Yeah. It’s not looking real good for them or dropbears trip either
  14. Because that’s what the next week looks like!
  15. Was just looking at the BOM for the Moreton Bay forecast for the following week. Then an idea came to me. Instead of having to scroll through 15-20 knots, seas over a metre etc they should précis it: Monday: **** turning to oh ****. Tuesday: the normal **** Wednesday: a little **** followed by a bigger **** etc etc
  16. Try clicking on the image in your Photos and see if it opens correctly
  17. Would love to organise a trip with you once your treatment is finished.
  18. Sorry to hear that Dropbear. I got bladder cancer three years ago and had to have my bladder and prostate removed. Nine and a half hour operation then three weeks in hospital, the first week in intensive care. Then chemo. But I’m still here. Hopefully your op won’t be quite as extensive. I know it’s a worrying time but just take it one step at a time and hang in there. cheers Greg
  19. We used to get them on lures out at the mouth, of Wathumba, usually either side of low tide. I’m not exactly sure where Teebing is but we used to camp next to the little creek on the southern side near the mouth of Wathumba. The whole area is great fishing.
  20. GregOug

    Nrl 2020

    Go the Broncs!!!!
  21. GregOug

    Nrl 2020

    I’ve given the Broncos every chance of winning this week. I bet against them!
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