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Everything posted by GregOug

  1. Online but I found a place at Virginia which sells them direct. I’ll look it up and put it up soon.
  2. They come in about four or five different colours, four different sizes - 10, 15, 20 and 30 litres, so they can hold a lot of stuff. Highly recommended.
  3. I found these storage bags which are great for storing all those lure boxes, handlines and everything else you don’t want lying around the deck. Very tough and you can mark each one with what is inside.
  4. Hey Dropbear, We used to fish Wathumba many times over the years. Great bream and flattie fishing off the banks. Next time you go could you give me a bit of notice please? Would love to bring my boat over as well. Also have mates who are keen on four wheel driving there with the camping gear, extra fuel etc. Are you boating or 4wding there? Camping or sleeping on the boat? cheers Greg
  5. Good to see you finally got a feed Hweebe. There might be hope for me yet.
  6. Hi Hamish, At this stage I’m targeting FISH! Lol cheers Greg
  7. I saw this kettle yesterday. Might be of interest. Heavily discounted as well. https://www.marine-deals.com.au/rv-and-camping/portable-water-kettle-1-8l-12v-cigarette-lighter-plug?sc_src=email_4542385&sc_lid=321099324&sc_uid=o1ahA6xoEt&sc_llid=25310&sc_eh=c9dce363d37049561&utm_source=MailingList&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=08%2F06%2F20+Weekly+Deals
  8. Some good prawns there Hamish!
  9. Old Scaley is correct. I went out on the larger trawlers in Moreton Bay. And I’m sure they don’t throw squid back anymore. Far too valuable. One other little tidbit about those days. One night we were trawling away and started bringing the nets in but it was obvious there was far more weight than normal. The skipper managed to get the net too the surface but we couldn't swing it into the boat because it was far too heavy. We discovered it was full of sea scallops! No matter what we did It wouldn’t budge and the trawler was in danger of capsizing so we had to release the entire lot. The skipper was a huge bloke but I can tell you even huge blokes cry, and he did that night! Lol
  10. Thanks. Good to see a few replies. Didn’t end up going. I’ll try to give a bit more notice in the future.
  11. No problem Hamish. We’ll get out there eventually
  12. Happy to take a couple of people if necessary
  13. Mind you, I can do all the above just not all at once. Lol
  14. I know it’s short notice but looking a deckie for tomorrow morning. Intending to head over to Bulwer to reef fish with my boys. Looking for someone who can reverse a trailer or drive a boat on and off the trailer because my boys can’t yet and my deckie who can just pulled out. Makes it a bit of a pain otherwise.
  15. I used to go out on the trawlers on the weekend sometimes when I lived at Bribie many years ago. The amount of by catch which went down the ‘****’ chute (that’s what they called it) was terrible. Tonnes of dead fish and crabs. There was a particular small crab called a Ginna Crab which was caught and discarded by the thousands. All that was kept were the prawns and a few large edible fish that were caught in the net. Even all the squid went over the side. But not when I was on board. I used to keep a few two gallon buckets full each time we went out, for bait on my trips to Moreton.
  16. GregOug

    Nrl 2020

    Oh dear
  17. I don’t think they make them anymore and haven’t for a long time. Best bet would be to keep an eye on the garage sales.
  18. I’m retired so week days are preferable for me but I’m sure we can catch up at some point
  19. Hi Hweebe, Your profile still shows you as not having a boat. Probably should update it. Also keep letting people know when you are going out. I’d be happy to meet up when we’re going out on the same day. cheers Greg
  20. GregOug

    Nrl 2020

    I think I’m going to have to change my tipping name to be in line with dropbears. Grego’s rubbish
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