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Everything posted by GregOug

  1. Okay. Thanks Hweebe. Much appreciated.
  2. So how did you decide on a 3 amp fuse and do you put it on the positive or negative lead?
  3. Actually I prefer my method where I hop in the boat before it is reversed down the ramp and stay into until the trailer and boat are pulled up the ramp at the end of the trip. That way my feet stay clean (no wading through mud and water when launching of retrieving, no reversing trailers down the ramp, no walking miles to get the car etc etc). That’s what sons are for!
  4. Which I am getting more and more loathe (or able) to do these days
  5. So you leave them on all the time, but with an in-line fuse as a precaution?
  6. I think I need to con Old Scaley and DropBear into coming out fishing with me one day
  7. And the problem with that is, if you are by yourself, you have to get out of the boat to drive the car up the ramp after driving the boat on, which could be tricky in itself unless you have a front boarding ladder.
  8. Hi Hweebe, Thanks for that. I just ordered two of these on eBay. I presume you just connect them up to the battery and leave them there. And you can just check on their status at any time with the app? cheers Greg O
  9. Not clearing like they used to. I just select ‘unread topics’, click on a highlighted one and that used to clear all unread messages re that topic. Sort of works now but sometimes not.
  10. Yeah. Nice size. Easily handled by one person or take a mate. Looks in bloody good nick too!
  11. The emails have started again now.
  12. I’m using an iPad, Safari and OS 13.4.1.
  13. Hi, Not sure if anyone else is having problems with the site at the moment but I am. My read posts aren’t clearing after I read them. Also, I haven’t had any emails for the past few days which is not normal. cheers Greg O
  14. Here’s one I found for $9.95. https://www.rigmastertackle.com.au/product/quality-aluminium-line-spooler/ cheers Greg O
  15. Um. The new rules that Qld Agriculture and Fisheries set out above come into effect this Saturday and you can travel 150km for all sorts of reasons, not just boating. You say you asked ‘police’ and ‘water police’ who said fisheries are wrong again. Which sections of those departments are you directing your questions to? I find it unusual that any authorised departmental spokesperson would infer another department was releasing incorrect information. What was the actual wording of the question you put to these departments to receive those replies?
  16. Ah. Stanage Bay. Always wanted to go there but haven’t been yet.
  17. Yeah. I’ve had one for many years. Although not the sort of book you take out ion the boat with you. Weighs a Tonne!
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