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Everything posted by GregOug

  1. Well, I’m definitely turning the batteries off each time I use them in the boat now so we will see.
  2. Hi Hamish, That sounds like a great present! I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. And a phone would be a good idea, given you seem to spend a bit of time alone out fishing, even at night. cheers Greg O
  3. Just as a bit of a follow up to the flat batteries issue, both the battery in our Lexus and the one in the Camry gave up the ghost in the last couple of weeks. The guy from RACQ said it is happening a lot at the moment due to cars not being used during Covid19. The Lexus battery was even still under warranty. Imagine that, something giving out while still under warranty! Anyway, before he left, I thought to ask him about the boat batteries. He said it was definitely possible that batteries could flatten over a month or so if a circuit was open. He said modern devices have a discernible drain if left on.
  4. Hi Ed, Yes, I have a few other scary tales as well but suffice to say, if you go out often enough one day you will get caught. As long as we survive and learn from the experience all is good. cheers Greg O
  5. True Hamish although if you get winds like that it doesn’t matter what sized boat you are in. You are in trouble! Especially when you are only a few hundred meters from somewhere like Comboyuro Point, which turns into a very dangerous bar in those conditions. And if you are outside Moreton you have to come back through it.
  6. It doesn’t happen often Hamish but it does happen. Just saying keep an eye on the weather and if it looks like turning bad get out of there. Don’t muck around
  7. Thanks Hamish. Thinking along the same lines myself but let’s see what others think
  8. Can I just play the devil’s advocate and urge caution. I used to go over to Bulwer wrecks on the inside of Moreton just about every weekend for a few years when I used to live on Bribie. Well over 100 trips. But on the one hundred and first trip (or whatever) the predicted 5 to 10 knot winds turned into 50 knot winds overnight (I kid you not). We ended having to beach the boat and it was 30 foot up the beach the next morning and during the night we were worried the large gum trees behind the sand dunes were going to fall on us. Just be prepared for anything when boating, especially out from the coast. cheers Greg O
  9. Okay. I think we need to work out between us what the new lifting of restrictions actually means for us boaties, including fishing and skiiing, tubing etc. There was mention today of ten people being able to get together now. But what does this mean for fishing, boating etc cheers Greg O
  10. Oh sorry. Just re-read. Hamish I mean.
  11. Hey Jaz That is correct but there are a lot of GC canals. Which river?
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